
Please Pray

Please Pray ©

Please Pray !

My cat is very sick. 8 months ago began a breast to swell. Grew slowly. Passing thought. Now, growth does not show. But this kitten has 4. They absorbed their mother when she was swollen wing place. Multi blood lost my cat. Then it was rally. but this morning was still bleeding. Now a little bit better. Fell prostrate. Veterinary medicine in the city only allows current. Surgery or illness does not exist for the determination of test instruments was Yapese. I need to go to the big city is. My cat 9 years old. A female cat. But we had put his name, Tom. :) My cat would like to return to former health. I love him. Will take him to the big city does not have the financial power to do. So I would go to the devil. I'm trying to do something anyway. My cat would like thumbs. That a strong cat. Had previously saved from the snake bite. Had a fall from the fifth floor. Has nothing to my cat. :) We have previously lived in the city would be to treat our cat. Alanya also has hardware support for animals. But not in this damn town. Drug treatment is and love my cat. And pray. I can not stop here for a while. You pray for my cat. Please.

Mon chat est très malade. Il ya 8 mois a commencé un sein à la houle. A progressé lentement. Passing pensée. Maintenant, la croissance ne montre pas. Mais ce chaton a 4. Ils ont absorbé leur mère quand elle était enflée aile place. Multi sang perdu mon chat. Ensuite, il a été rallye. mais ce matin a été encore une hémorragie. Maintenant, un peu mieux. Fell prostrate. La médecine vétérinaire dans la ville actuelle ne permet. Chirurgie ou de la maladie n'existe pas pour la détermination des instruments de test a été Yap. J'ai besoin d'aller à la grande ville. Mon chat de 9 ans. Une femme cat. Mais nous avons dû mettre son nom, Tom. :) Mon chat voudrais revenir à l'ancien santé. I love him. Le mènera à la grande ville n'a pas le pouvoir financier de le faire. Je voudrais aller au diable. J'essaie de faire quelque chose de toute façon. Mon chat tiens les pouces. C'est un chat. Avait précédemment sauvé de la morsure de serpent. Si une chute du cinquième étage. A rien à mon chat. :) Nous avons déjà vécu dans la ville serait de traiter notre chat. Alanya est également un support matériel pour les animaux. Mais pas dans cette putain de ville. Le traitement médicamenteux et de l'amour est mon chat. Et de prier. Je ne peux pas m'arrêter ici pendant un moment. Vous priez pour mon chat. S'il vous plaît.

うちの猫は病気です。 8か月前うねりに胸を始めた。徐々に成長した。思考を渡す。現在、成長を示すものではありません。しかし、この子猫4しています。彼らは彼女の母親が腫れ た翼場所だった吸収。複数私の猫の血液を失った。その後、集会だった。しかし、今朝はまだ出血していた。今は少し良くなります。サジダに落ちた。市内で唯 一の獣医薬できる電流。手術や病気の検査機器のヤップ語を決定するためには存在しませんでした。私は大都会に行く必要があります。うちの猫は9歳。メス 猫。しかし、彼の名前は、トムにしていた。 : )うちの猫の健康の元に戻っていただきたいと思います。私は彼が大好きです。大都会には、資金力を持っていない彼になります。だから私は悪魔に行くと思い ます。とにかく何かをしようとしている。うちの猫のように親指と思います。それは強力な猫。以前は、ヘビにかまれて保存さでした。下落は5階からでした。 私の猫のことは何もしている。 : )私たちは、以前は市内に住んでいた私たちの猫を治療することがあります。アラニヤも動物のためのハードウェアをサポートしている。しかし、この町の気は ない。薬物治療は、私の猫が大好きです。と祈る。私はここしばらくの間停止することはできません。私の猫のために祈る。どうぞ。

Il mio gatto è molto malato. 8 mesi fa ha iniziato un seno a gonfiarsi. Crebbe lentamente. Passando pensiero. Ora, la crescita non mostra. Ma questo gattino ha 4. Essi assorbito la loro madre quando era gonfio ala posto. Multi sangue perso il mio gatto. Poi è stato rally. ma questa mattina era ancora tempo di sanguinamento. Ora un po 'meglio. Fell prosternano. Medicina veterinaria in città solo permette attuale. Chirurgia o malattia non esiste per la determinazione di strumenti di test è stato yapese. Ho bisogno di andare in una grande città è. Il mio gatto a 9 anni. Una femmina di gatto. Ma ci aveva messo il suo nome, Tom. :) Il mio gatto vorrebbe tornare al vecchio salute. I love him. Lo porterà ad una grande città non ha il potere finanziario di fare. Quindi, vorrei andare al diavolo. Sto cercando di fare qualcosa comunque. Il mio gatto vorrebbe pollici. Che un forte cat. Aveva precedentemente salvato dal morso di serpente. Ha avuto un calo a partire dal quinto piano. Non ha nulla a che il mio gatto. :) Abbiamo già vissuto nella città sarebbe quello di trattare i nostri gatti. Alanya ha anche supporto hardware per gli animali. Ma non in questa dannata città. Di trattamento in materia di droga e l'amore è il mio gatto. E pregare. Non posso fermare qui per un po 'di tempo. Si prega per il mio gatto. Per favore.I can not live without knowing..!


I would sometimes turn into a monster. I can not stop it. will capture all the monsters that someday my body. I know it.

Je voudrais parfois se transformer en un monstre. Je ne peux pas arrêter. captera tous les monstres qu'un jour mon corps. Je le sais.

Now my whole body blood...


Spring Festivals

Main article: Tết

Vietnamese use lunar and solar calendars. The use of the former in this country happened long before the latter had been invented. The lunar calendar is used mainly to divide the year into seasons for agriculture purposes. People of this country start their Spring season with the celebration of Vietnamese New Year, or Tết in Vietnamese. In the old days, the celebration used to last the entire month of January of the lunar calendar. Traditionally, firecrackers are used on New Year's Eve, or đêm giao thừa in Vietnamese, to scare away bad spirits.


Kite festival competitions are held all over Pakistan and awards are distributed among winners.

Main article: Indian Spring Festival

Holi The most vibrant festival of colours celebrated by Hindus in India. People throw water and apply colour powders on each other.
Vasant Panchami: celebrated in North India

Chinese New Year
Main article: Chinese New Year

The Chinese Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is often called the Lunar New Year, especially by people in mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month (Chinese: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called Lantern Festival. Chinese New Year's Eve is known as Chúxī. It literally means "Year-pass Eve".

Main article: Easter

Easter is the most important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead three days after his crucifixion, and celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day, two days after Good Friday.

May Day
Main article: May Day
Further information: Beltane

May 1 is the date of several public holidays. In many countries, May Day is synonymous with International Workers' Day, or Labour Day, which celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labour movement. As a day of celebration the holiday has ancient origins, and it can relate to many customs that have survived into modern times. Many of these customs are due to May Day being a cross-quarter day, meaning that (in the Northern Hemisphere where it is almost exclusively celebrated) it falls approximately halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.


Main article: Nowruz

The first day of spring is the beginning of the new year, Nowruz, in the Iranian calendar. Nowruz (also Naw-Rúz, Norooz, Newroz, Navroj, and many other variants) marks an important traditional holiday festival celebrated in Iran as well as in many other countries with a significant population from one of various Iranian peoples, such as Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, and by Kurdish communities in Turkey and Iraq and elsewhere.


Main article: Nowruz

The first day of spring is the beginning of the new year, Nowruz, in the Afghan calendar. Nowruz (also Naw-Rúz, Norooz, Newroz, Navroj, and many other variants) marks an important traditional holiday festival celebrated in Afghanistan as well as in many other countries such as Azerbaijan, Iran and Tajikistan,

Main articles: Akitu and Tammuz

Akitu (Sumerian Akiti-šekinku "cutting of barley", Akiti-šununum "sowing of barley", Babylonian rêš-šattim "head of the year") was a spring festival in ancient Mesopotamia. The name is from the Sumerian for "barley", originally marking two festivals celebrating the beginning of each of the two half-years of the Sumerian calendar, marking the sowing of barley in autumn and the cutting of barley in spring. In Babylonian religion it came to be dedicated to Marduk's victory over Tiamat.

Spring Time


Global Warming

Global Warming
Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation.





Yusuf le 06/06/1985 Alioğlu une petite commune côtière de Karadeniz Araklı que le monde est venu. Lorsque les cinq premières années de la vie du monde est venu de passer a la maison. Il a peut-être passé trop de temps à la maison, c'est la raison pourquoi. En 1990, la famille a déménagé à Samsun a été la ville. L'enfance et la jeunesse dans la première de Joseph, dans la ville de dépenser. Pour cette ville "maintenant c'est ma terre Je avaient à dire. Imaginez le monde sans limitation de cette ville. Mais en 2001, beaucoup ont été forcés de s'éloigner de Alanya. Cette année a vu la fin est à Joseph's Samsun. A été l'espoir de revenir en arrière. Mais il ne l'est pas. Ici, encore moins le monde qui rêve de devenir leur propre Yusuf peut-être la première pierre de l'art aura lieu aujourd'hui, a également eu. Nous vivons actuellement dans la ville de Tokat Yusuf a vécu dans Alioğlu effectivement encore propre monde de rêve.

Yusuf on 06.06.1985 Alioğlu a small coastal township of karadeniz Araklı as the world came. Where the first five years of the life of the world came to pass was the house. Maybe he spent too much time at home, this is the reason why. In 1990 the family moved to Samsun was the city. Childhood and youth in the first of Joseph in the city would spend. For this city 'now this is my land I' had to say. Imagine the world of unlimited this city. But in 2001 many were forced to move away from Alanya. This year saw the end was to be Joseph's Samsun. Was hoping to go back. But it is not. Here, let alone the world who dream of becoming their own Yusuf perhaps the first building blocks of art will take place today, has also had. We currently live in the city of Tokat Yusuf has lived in Alioğlu actually still own dream world.

06/06/1985 Alioğlu Yusuf en un pequeño municipio costero de Karadeniz Araklı como el mundo. Cuando los cinco primeros años de la vida del mundo se llegó a pasar de la casa. Tal vez pasó mucho tiempo en casa, esta es la razón por qué. En 1990 la familia se mudó a Samsun fue la ciudad. Infancia y juventud en la primera de José en la ciudad pasaba. Para esta ciudad 'ahora esta es mi tierra me tenía que decir. Imaginar el mundo sin límites de esta ciudad. Pero en 2001, muchos se vieron forzados a desplazarse de Alanya. Este año ha visto la final iba a ser José Samsun. Esperaba volver. Pero no lo es. Aquí, por no hablar del mundo que sueñan con convertirse en su propio Yusuf tal vez el primer edificio de bloques de arte tendrá lugar hoy, también ha tenido. Actualmente vive en la ciudad de Tokat Yusuf ha vivido en realidad todavía Alioğlu propio mundo de ensueño.

Yusuf 06/06/1985 Alioğlu su una piccola cittadina costiera di Karadeniz Araklı come il mondo è venuto. Quando i primi cinque anni di vita del mondo è venuto a passare è stata la casa. Forse egli ha speso troppo tempo a casa, questo è il motivo per cui. Nel 1990 la famiglia si trasferì a Samsun è stata la città. Infanzia e gioventù nel primo di Giuseppe nella città di spesa. Per questa città 'ora questa è la mia terra I' ha da dire. Immagina il mondo senza limiti di questa città. Ma nel 2001, molti sono stati costretti ad allontanarsi da Alanya. Quest'anno ha visto la fine era quello di essere Giuseppe Samsun. È stata la speranza di tornare indietro. Ma non lo è. Qui, per non parlare del mondo che sognano di diventare i propri Yusuf forse il primo edificio blocchi d'arte si svolgerà oggi, ha anche avuto. Attualmente vive nella città di Tokat Yusuf ha vissuto in realtà ancora Alioğlu proprio sogno mondo.

1985年6月6日Alioğluユスフkaradeniz Araklıの小さな海岸沿いの町として世界に来た。ここでは、世界の生命
の最初の5年間を渡すようになった家だった。たぶん彼は家庭でも多くの時間を費やし、これが理由となっている。 1990年には家族サムスン市に移転した。小児や若者の街では、ジョセフと過ごす初めて。この都市'は今、この私の言っていた私の土地です。無制限のこの街の世界を想像してください。しかし、 2001年から多くの距離アラニヤ移動を余儀なくされました。今年ジョセフいたサムスンが終了した。戻るには期待していた。しかし、そうではありません。ここで、ましてや、世界のアートは、おそらく自分の最初のビルディングブロックユスフになることを本日開催される、夢はまたしている。現在のところ、トカトユスフAlioğluの街で、実際にはまだ自分の夢の世界に住んでいる住んでいます。

Юсуф по 06.06.1985 Alioğlu небольших прибрежных поселках Karadeniz Araklı как мир пришел. Если первые пять лет жизни в мире сбылось было дома. Может быть, он потратил слишком много времени дома, именно по этой причине. В 1990 году семья переехала в Самсун был город. Детство и юность в первом Иосифа в городе будет тратить. Для этого города 'теперь это моя земля я был сказать. Представьте себе мир неограниченных этого города. Но в 2001 году многие были вынуждены отойти от Алании. Этот год ознаменовался конец должен был быть Иосифа Самсун. Была надежда вернуться. Но это не так. Здесь, не говоря уже о мире, которые мечтают стать собственные Юсуф, пожалуй, первым строительных блоков искусства состоится сегодня, также оказала. В настоящее время мы живем в городе Токат Юсуф жила в Alioğlu фактически еще собственный мир мечты.




Chuck vs. the Broken Heart

Original Airdate: 03/30/2009

Chuck's relationship with Sarah leads Beckman to replace her with a new agent (guest Tricia Helfer); Buy More hosts Awesome's bachelor party.

Chuck vs. the Predator

Original Airdate: 03/23/2009

When Chuck is contacted by a rogue agent who holds the key to getting the Intersect out of his head, his loyalty is torn between freedom and helping the CIA in its war against Fulcrum.

Chuck vs. the Lethal Weapon

Original Airdate: 03/09/2009

Chuck pursues one of Fulcrum's scientists, in hopes of learning how to get the Intersect out of his head.

Chuck vs. the Beefcake

Original Airdate: 03/02/2009

Chuck's jealous when Sarah is assigned to seduce an attractive agent; Jeff and Lester search for the ultimate Buy More babe.

Chuck vs. the Best Friend

Original Airdate: 02/23/2009

Chuck's friendship with Morgan is tested when he's put on a high-level assignment to befriend Anna's new boyfriend.

Chuck vs. the Suburbs

Original Airdate: 02/16/2009

Chuck, Sarah and Casey go undercover in suburbia and find that the neighbors are plotting much more than the next block party.

Chuck vs. The Third Dimension

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When Chuck is left unattended with Tyler, the party animal rocker convinces Chuck to go out on the town, which only ends in a night of trouble.

Chuck vs. Santa Claus

Original Airdate: 12/15/2009

A holiday hostage crisis on Buy More's busiest day.

Chuck vs. the Delorean

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Sarah's con-artist Dad demonstrates the art of the scam - spy style.

Chuck vs. the Sensei

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Chuck must save Casey from a former teacher turned double agent.

Chuck vs. the Gravitron

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Chuck has to overcome his heart and use his head to round up FULCRUM's worst.

Chuck vs. the Fat Lady

Original Airdate: 11/17/2009

Old flames can sometimes burn twice.

Chuck vs. the Ex

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Chuck enlists an old girlfriend in a bid to stop a bio-weapons attack.

Chuck vs. Tom Sawyer

Original Airdate: 10/27/2009

Chuck's years of playing video games finally finds a cause: saving the world from nuclear annihilation.

Chuck vs. the Cougars

Original Airdate: 10/20/2009

Sarah has a not-so-sweet reunion with her high school nemesis, a mean girl who's turned downright evil.

Chuck vs. the Break-Up

Original Airdate: 10/13/2009

While trying to keep a top-secret chip out of the hands of an enemy agent, Chuck, Sarah and Bryce see the danger of getting too close to the job.

Chuck vs. the Seduction

Original Airdate: 10/06/2009

To help Chuck learn the art of seduction, the team enlists the help of a legendary lothario, but is he one martini past his prime?

Chuck vs. the First Date

Original Airdate: 09/29/2009

A key to the government's new intersect computer could mean freedom from spy life… or the end of the road for Chuck.


The ultimate guide to Chuck Season 2.